Data integration in Oil & Gas

How to Increase Oil and Gas Operational Efficiency

Oil and Gas operators spend millions of dollars on collecting and storing all their various data in separate systems and applications. These systems are maintained by their respective departments. Although some departments are collecting similar information, it’s not typical for them to collaborate or communicate with each other.

Oil companies need to integrate their data so information is not dispersed into their own little compartments. Data integration removes the need to store repetitive data and ensures the operator can access the most up-to-date data. Error minimization and operational efficiency are two benefits oil companies need in their data when making reliable decisions.

Minimize Errors and Manual Labor

Manually maintaining data from different systems with multiple users creates data inconsistencies. Errors are more likely to occur when data needs to be transferred without a central system to store updated data.

For example, a pumper delivers a run ticket to their office through email or physically by mail. The office staff will need to input that same ticket into their own system. Manually inputting the same data across multiple systems takes time and creates a risk for error. Data integration would update that ticket to the appropriate system field from the source, the pumper.

Automation increases Operational Efficiency

Sending personnel to manually update the systems is inefficient. Data integration ensures data quality and removes the need to update redundant data to multiple departments. Employee time should not be used to update the same information in various places which may require cross-departmental verification. Data should always be up-to-date and reliable so operational workflow does not need to be interrupted.

Reduce Risks with Accurate and Up-to-date Data

Data integration reduces the risks of errors so you can make reliable decisions. Business decisions are determined by analyzing data, so it is essential to have dependable data that is accurate and timely. Integrating data across the various departments will reduce the likelihood of errors while providing streamlined data for confident business decisions.

Moving the Oil Industry Forward

The software industry in oil and gas is progressing quickly. Aside from data integration, there are many opportunities in optimizing oil operations. Providing more than the average production management software, Petrofly has unique solutions in production, expenditure, run tickets, vendors, royalty owner payouts, JIBS, and software customization for oil producers. Petrofly is the complete upstream solution where operators of all sizes are able to leverage their production data by reducing operational expenditure and streamlining their operations onto a single platform.

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